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Sunday, 20 September 2009

CSI: The Experience

Headed down to this with a friend after seeing the ad on tv. We expected a lot from this, raving reviews on tv and online, no idea how much it cost but happy to pay whatever based on the assumption we would not be disappointed.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

SE September Weekender

After attending a way busier than expected wedding fair in Belfast we headed home to play the SE's 'September Weekender'. This looked like a super tourney and promised a good few numbers with the numbers going slowly back to the old haunt. Such a disappointment . . . 19 turned up meaning there was actually a €250 overlay.

This tourney went on for several hours with the structure being so good, the food was lovely the dealing standard was second to none, nothing less than I would expect. I went out in 10th, only made one bad decision the whole tourney and that was calling Declan's shove with JsJx on an all spade Q high flop when getting just over 3:1. He of course had AsAx and I missed my 2 outer.

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